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Writer's pictureKC Fitzgerald

Lymphatic Drainage to the Max

Hello Lovelies,

Okay, so here we are! I wanted to update you all on the practices that I have added to my self-care routine this month; rebounding (added in June), dry-brushing and gua-sha (both added in July.) I have done dry-brushing for years, but now I added gua-sha for the body! Game changer for sure!

One day in June, I was scrolling through Instagram and saw an advertisement for a dry-brush and gua-sha kit. I was not new to dry-brushing, but gua sha for the body? I was intrigued. The woman and creator of it looked absolutely amazing. I had to try it for myself.

After receiving my new dry brush and gua-sha body kit along with body oil, I watched the creator's tutorials on how to use each of the tools on the body. I mean, it's one thing to gua-sha the face, but the body is little different. Each time I practiced with my new tools, the routine became more familiar and it look less time to complete.

Now, since I started, I have not been as routine as I'd like to be with this practice. But like with any new habit; consistency is key. The end of July and early August was a little chaotic for me, so my routine wasn't as routine. I am back on my game with all my holistic practices including dry-brushing and gua-sha. I will share an update in the next couple of months.

Just some other holistic practices and self-care practices I include daily, weekly, and monthly. This is by no means a reason to compare. Everyone has different time, energy, and resources. This is what works for me. YOUR self-care plan may look very different than mine. And know that those self-care plans need to be flexible to fit your lifestyle. Currently, this is what is working for me; some weeks it looks amazing and other weeks, it's just the daily routine.

Daily Weekly Monthly

solé water gym 3-4 times massage

meditation infrared sauna blanket 3-5 x facials

grounding mat celluma/red light for face 2-4 x nails 2x

rebounding yoga 3 x

walk Bettie

If you need support in planning a self-care routine and practices to achieve your health and wellness goals, please reach out to me for a free consultation. I love helping people get healthy!!


Your Health and Wellness Guru


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